Patient Care Coordinator

I grew up mostly on Long Island and my family spent a few years in Tampa, FL, and then we moved back so I could go back to high school. I graduated in 2018 and went to the University of Syracuse for 4 years, Majoring in Psychology and Minoring in Marketing. After graduating in 2022, I traveled to Europe for the summer and then began working at a Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital the following September. I began my graduate education and will continue in the future, my goal is to make a difference in Healthcare Administration and Patient Care.

I was an Assistant Counselor, focusing on patient care, helping patients through their Plan of Care. Assisting nurses and staff with emergency codes, interventions and lead therapeutic group activities.

My core values are passion, honesty, and compassion.

“80% of Success is showing up” Being present and committing to a task or goal plays a major role in achieving success.

For the company, I handle contact with patients from the time they inquire about our services to the time they are discharged. I help patients stay on top of their plan of care, and make sure they are receiving all of the resources to get back to optimal health. I also assist our billing department in communicating with patients and address any questions the patients may have regarding payment concerns. Additionally, providing support to providers, and founders and working to maintain a healthy and happy clinic for all patients and employees.

Something I would like to fix for a patient is the preservation of dignity amidst negative health conditions/situations. Pain takes an emotional and psychological toll on patients; therefore, emphasizing the importance of healthcare providers accepting patients and ensuring they feel dignified throughout their journey of recovery. This involves acknowledging their humanity, respecting their autonomy, and providing compassionate care that upholds their sense of worth and respect.

I love the work environment, the cleanliness of the space, our patients, and the resources we have to provide to our amazing patients here at Tribeca Physical Therapy. And of course my co-workers.

What is Julia Reading, Listening To, or Watching?

  • Love Island (Show)
  • Mama Mia (Movie)
  • Radical Compassion (Book)

When I’m not working, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, dancing, listening to music, walking outside on a nice day, doing yoga, and mindfulness journaling.