8 Steps to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle During Pregnancy

8 Steps to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle During Pregnancy

December 12, 2019

It does become challenging to stay healthy during pregnancy because of a lot of factors that are involved in the physical and psychological changes of a woman’s body, however, here are 8 steps to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy.

Bringing life to earth is a life-altering journey and a big responsibility, and that responsibility starts the moment your baby grows inside your womb. As the baby grows and changes through each stage of pregnancy, you will also go through changes: your body, emotions, and lifestyle.

You might know some basic pregnancy tips about taking care of yourself and the baby but getting more information about keeping yourself healthy is a plus. As a new mother, you need to educate yourself on questions you might not know the answer yet and educating yourself will also help you make good decisions for a healthy baby and a healthy you.

Have Yourself Checked

Going to your doctor’s appointment should always be on top of your list. If you do this, you will be able to monitor the growth of the baby inside you. Seeking a professional’s advice is highly recommended as these professionals are experts in their field and they will also educate you and explain to you what to expect during the different stages of your pregnancy. Prevention is better than cure, so make sure to diligently go to your check-ups as this will allow the doctors to detect if there are any issues with your pregnancy. Going to your regular check-ups will allow doctors or midwives to detect, prevent, or treat any potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy. For first-time mothers, being nervous is normal. Visit your doctor right away as this can help calm your worried mind and ease anxiety.

Take Your Prenatal Vitamins

If you are trying to get pregnant, it is a smart step to start taking prenatal vitamins. It is important to get essential nutrients like folic acid, calcium, and iron. Doctors would usually give you medicine or vitamins to take whether your pregnancy is sensitive or not. Prenatal vitamins are available at most drug stores, or you can get them by prescription from your doctor. If taking prenatal vitamins makes you feel sick, you can take them before going to bed or with a light snack.

Have a Healthy Diet

Eat right. Having a healthy diet is important during pregnancy as your baby also consumes what you eat. Your baby needs nutrients instead of sugar and junk food. Eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, foods rich in calcium, and low in saturated fat. Our clinicians are also experts on wellness coaching so if you need assistance, you can just send us a message.

Drink Your Water

A pregnant woman needs to be hydrated all the time. Drink at least 8 glasses of water or more even if it means going to the toilet more often. Staying hydrated has many benefits. Many claims that it helps with morning sickness and heartburn. Pregnant women are also prone to Urinary Tract Infection, so drinking the recommended amount of water per day can definitely prevent bacterial infections.

Get Enough Rest

As much as possible, avoid staying up late at night. Sleep may be inevitable during the first trimester due to the fetal development inside your body. During the third trimester, you’d feel more tired because of the weight that extra weight that you’re carrying. It is advised to prioritise and get plenty of sleep. Doctors also advise sleeping on your left side for good blood flow for you and the baby.

Limit Caffeine and Avoid Alcohol Intake

Drinking too much coffee does not appear to cause birth defects, but doctors recommend limiting caffeine intake during pregnancy as there could be a higher risk of miscarriage or having a low birth weight for the baby. Also, women should not drink alcohol during pregnancy as this will impact the baby’s health.


According to APTA, “Researchers analyzed data from 60 healthy mothers (ages 18 to 35, with an average age of 30) and their infants. During their pregnancies, 33 women participated in 45-50 minutes of supervised aerobic exercise, 3 days a week. The remaining 27 women in the control group were asked to engage in a 50-minute supervised stretching and breathing program 3 days a week but were otherwise advised to continue with “normal” activities. The infants of both groups were then evaluated for motor skills development at 1 month using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, second edition (PDMS-2), a tool that tests reflexes, locomotion, and a child’s ability to remain stationary. The measure also provides a composite score, known as the Gross Motor Quotient (GMQ).”

Consult or get approval from your doctor to find out what physical activity suits you. Once you get approval from your OB-GYN, book an appointment so we can provide you a customised exercise that will help you have a better delivery and post-partum recovery.

Have a Stress-Free Pregnancy

Always think of happy thoughts or do things that make you happy! As much as possible, do not get yourself involve in stressful situations as this is crucial for improving birth outcomes. Your friends and loved ones can get involved in having a stress-free pregnancy.

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