Benefits Of Wellness Coaching With Physical Therapy

Benefits Of Wellness Coaching With Physical Therapy

July 30, 2020

Have you ever wondered what the benefits of wellness coaching with physical therapy although, it is given that we all are aware of how holistic care is so important for everyone. Nowadays, mental health is discussed in society to have a better understanding and management of those affected. When other people hear the word Wellness Coaching- the immediate reaction may be that it’s costly or the “not for me” attitude that we have. But admit it, we’ve been in some situations where we feel like our life is in crisis and we don’t know how to deal with it. Some may have overcome it, but for those, it’s a different story.

First of all, a Wellness Coach helps its clients make positive changes that affect their health. Typically, they focus on improving their client’s physical health, and then the mental health, of course, follows naturally. Wellness coaches help their clients set goals, develop a healthy mindset, and form healthy habits. They encourage their clients every step of the way until they reach their goals. The actual coaching process aims to facilitate and empower the client to achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness. Here’s where Physical Therapy comes in. Physical therapists often provide patient education and prescribe physical activity and lifestyle changes to help mitigate the burden of disease. Physical therapists’ practice patterns allow for strong relationships and numerous opportunities for coaching to promote health.

So here’s the benefits of wellness coaching with physical therapy, why you should start thinking about undergoing wellness coaching and the benefits that you can get from it. Furthermore, we would see the relationship between wellness coaching and physical therapy as we go along.

1. Provides Emotional Support

Life can be overwhelming and stress would come in. We all know that stress is a very big factor when acquiring diseases and illnesses. Having a wellness coach makes things easier for you to deal with. They offer support and emotional help that you need to get through hard times.

2. Create a Plan to Reach Your Goals

Let’s be honest, we don’t plan our days ahead and if you’re one of those people who dislike their current work, well you start your day like you want to end it ASAP. But having a wellness coach will help you plan your days including those that would focus on your health that will include physical therapy if you need it. They help you create a detailed plan to reach your goals. This way, you’ll wake up with a clear intent on a day to day basis.

3. Gives You an Unbiased Input

When it comes to supporting, sometimes, the people we are closest to would simply tell us that we’re doing great (even if you’re not) so as not to hurt your feelings. Some people will even hide your mistakes to prevent you from feeling miserable. But, to grow, you need someone who will call you out on your shortcomings. A wellness coach is just the person you need to give you unbiased input on how you’re doing.

4. Puts the Focus on You

In reality, with everything that’s happening around us, from work, family, children, and friends, we barely have the time to focus on ourselves. But in wellness coaching, you will always have someone to check in with you.

Physical Therapists certified in wellness coaching are equipped with the knowledge and training to assess your needs and make an individualized, self-directed plan to help you not only for your health but also for your well-being inside and out. Remember that your health and well-being should be your number one priority and your health team is there to guide you in achieving your absolute best.

Tribeca Physical Therapy is officially reopened for in-person physical therapy sessions and continues to offer Telehealth PT or Virtual PT. Call us at 2124068080 or message us and book your first session free.

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