Clinical Pilates For Beginners

Clinical Pilates For Beginners

April 21, 2021

Time and again we have proved the benefits of Clinical Pilates to your health and as a result, many are becoming curious and some have started their journey to explore what Clinical Pilates can provide to their wellness. You might know someone who’s very advanced with their clinical pilates but knows that they started off as beginners and we will be giving you a glimpse of some pilates poses that are all commonly taught by your Physical Therapists that are both beneficial and safe for your physique.

Clinical Pilates’ main focus is on retraining movement patterns with improved abdominal control, body awareness, and proper breathing. Physical Therapists always say that the more important is to focus on the quality of each posture or poses and the integration of the patient’s body.

Before starting, it’s always advisable that a comprehensive assessment be done so you won’t regret any injuries afterward, and of course, a consultation visit to your physician and Physical Therapists is needed. So here are the movements that you can do even at home.

The Movements

Pilates Hundred

This might be considered as the most classic move in pilates and it helps in flattening the tummy by toning your abs.

  • Start by holding on behind your knees, scoop your belly in and curl down to the floor to get in the position
  • Next, curl your head and shoulders up slightly while your lower back is still pressed to the floor.
  • Pump your arms up and down in small motions at your sides. Don’t forget to breathe in for 5 and out for 5 as well until you hit 50 pumps.
  • Sit up and repeat for a total of 100 pumps.

But physical therapists recommend that if you can’t complete the 50 pumps, take breaks especially if you’re just starting.

Neck Peel

There are times that sit-ups can give us a sore neck, and this makes exercising less fun. Neck peels are actually good alternatives.

  • Lie flat with the end of a resistance band tucked under the center of your back. You can also use a towel if you don’t have a band.
  • Next, bend your knees and grab the other end of the band or towel.
  • Inhale and use your ab muscle to slowly peel your body up, letting your head rest against the band.
  • Exhale and return to your starting position.

Repeat the process about 5 times

Tendon Stretch

This movement can be done on a mat or a reformer.

  • Start by sitting with your legs straight in front of you with your feet together and flexed.
  • Press your hands flat on the mat, look down, and use your upper body strength to lift your backside and upper legs
  • Swing yourself forward and backward before lowering yourself slowly to the mat.

Repeat the steps 5 times

Leg Swings

This pilates sculpts and develops the legs while improving your heart rate.

  • Stand with your arms crossed in front of you at shoulder level.
  • Keep your abs tight and exhale and lift your right knee up toward the right elbow
  • Lower your leg quickly and repeat on the other side

Keep switching sides for 10 swings with each leg but stop when you feel any discomfort.

The letter T

Some of the movements will target the upper back and here’s an example.

  • Start by lying face down on a mat with your feet together.
  • Raise your head and chest slightly and extend your arms perpendicular to your body and palms down.
  • Exhale and sweep your arms back as you lift your chin and chest higher
  • Make sure your waist is on the mat and to use your upper muscles to bring your arms closer to your body
  • Slowly return to your starting position and do the process 5 times.

Be careful and stop whenever you feel any discomfort while performing the movements. It’s still best to start your clinical pilates experience with a licensed Physical Therapist for any modification in the movements.

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