Do’s And Don’ts For Si Dysfunction And Yoga

Do’s And Don’ts For Si Dysfunction And Yoga

June 30, 2021

Generally speaking, yoga and physical therapy are some of the safest treatments for conditions such as Sacroiliac Dysfunction. However, there will always be dos and don’ts in doing yoga for SI dysfunction. As the cliche goes, things done in excess are bad- and that includes overdoing yoga or any other form of exercise. Your Physical Therapist will always give you safety measure education while assisting you with your routine. Be mindful that any changes should be evaluated and approved by your therapist at all times. Sure, there’s the internet to give you more options but the treatment plan that’s designed by your therapist is designed for you and yours alone. . Here are the things that you should do and the things that you should avoid. With Heidi Kristoffer of being extra generous to share her experience here at Tribeca we’re more than happy to give you another information about SI dysfunction.

Let’s start things off with the do’s, please take note that if you have mild to moderate sacroiliac dysfunction, this guideline is suited for you to practice. However, if you have a severe case, it’s still best to further evaluate your condition.

Focus on neutral-spine poses

These poses are known for their quick relief for low back pain, shoulders, neck, and managing your SI dysfunction. Examples of these neutral-spine poses are mountain pose, chest expansion in a chair, and constructive rest pose which encourages the spine to lengthen and maintain the natural inward curve of the lower back. The neutral spine forms an S-curve: a forward curve at the neck, a backward curve in the mid-back, and another forward curve in the lower back- and this helps avoid back and neck pain.

Do practice symmetrical poses

Physical Therapists highly recommend symmetrical poses because they are focused on making the right and left sides of the body do the same things such as the plank pose, cobra, chair pose, bridge, and chaturanga pose. These poses are also used in Physical Therapy and they are known to not put a strain on the SI joints.

Do some pelvis tilts

It’s a common therapeutic protocol to execute pelvis tilts when you’re managing SI dysfunction since they help relieve low back pain and create a natural neutral spine position. Experts say that gaining control of the movements of your pelvis gives you a strong core.

There might be other do’s that your Physical Therapist will share once you have the chance to visit them and have yourself evaluated. Yes, there will be more but it would always depend on your individual health condition. In relation to that, let’s talk about the don’ts. The most important to remember is to not practice yoga if you are experiencing severe sacroiliac dysfunction pain. Report it immediately to your physician and physical therapist for collaboration and more

Don’t or avoid asymmetric poses and forward folds

Physical Therapists advise patients with SI dysfunction to do away with asymmetric poses since it will only aggravate the problem. Lunges, warrior poses, side planks, seated poses, and poses that involve twists are some examples of asymmetric poses. Do away with large forward folds as well since these movements put more negative stress on your SI joint.

Avoid certain exercises such as the following:

  • Crunches or sit-ups
  • Golf or tennis
  • Heavy weight lifting and those that involve the lower back
  • Contact sports such as football or basketball
  • Excessive biking or long rides since they put extra pressure on the SI joints

Keep in mind that starting off with yoga or and treatment at that should be supervised by a licensed Yogi or a Physical Therapists to ensure the most important thing during treatment- your safety. You can call us at Tribeca for more queries and also consultation to help you start your journey to wellness.

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