Forward Thinking Approach to Physical Therapy

Forward Thinking Approach to Physical Therapy

January 28, 2020

Physical therapy is a known procedure for the rehabilitation and treatment of diseases, injuries or deformities through massages, heat application, and exercises. A licensed physical therapist carefully evaluates a patient’s condition before coming up with a program suited to correct the problem. The program is made up of activities such as exercises, procedures and guided work out designed specifically to target the focal problem of the patient.
For years, physical therapy programs have been sets of exercises, massages and heat application. Meticulously guided by physical therapists and specialists, patients work on these programs following each step down to the tee. Rehabilitation of trauma and correction of the normal function of the body is carefully observed and evaluated for progress. Once the correction is completed, usually patients are set off to go back to their usual activities. Unknowingly, when they go about doing their activities, they go back to their old habits that may have caused their problems. And with no changes, the same problem may again occur.

Even doctors are susceptible to having problems like any other patient. Dr. Eric Goodman, a chiropractic physician who was troubled by his chronic back pain problem, developed a program called Foundation Training. He formulated this training program to treat, correct, rehabilitate and mainly avoid re-occurrence of the problem. Thus, the very core of foundation training is strengthening. Strengthening is not isolated to simply working out of the muscles but doing them properly, and most especially, doing them properly all the time.

The effective of the procedure of combining physical therapy sessions with foundation training has been quite successful in preventing the re-occurrence of the most common problems requiring treatment. With such success, it has been incorporated in various fitness and treatment programs in a different fitness regimen and work out programs. This is the forward-thinking approach to physical therapy. In involving the formulation of corrective habits in the program, physical therapy will be more effective than ever. This is not just helping the patient with their pain and difficulties, but also educating the majority by making them aware that there are some serious problems in our body that we all can avoid by properly caring for our bodies.

So how is foundation training incorporated in physical therapy? Basing it from What to Expect from physical therapy, there are sets of a therapy session that includes the following:

1. Warm-up exercises

To build strength in the problematic muscle or body part, one must properly prepare. Preparation for more strenuous more rigid exercises. This way, no strain, and further damage would be done. Stretching and walking are examples of this type of exercise.

2. Pain relief exercises

People who partake in physical therapy sessions are mostly those with problems that involve pain and difficulty. For one to begin the treatment and correction of the problem, the pain or difficulty should be managed. It may include massages, heat application instruments and the usual pain evaluation before the patient proceeds in the more rigid part of the program.

3. Strengthening exercises

These are exercises that may require machines and other props in the process. Also included would be resistant tools, weights and other paraphernalia that helps work on the core muscles. These are exercises repeated in sets depending on the intensity required by the physical therapist.

We incorporate foundation training in physical therapy by re-assessing the exercises we include in the physical therapy sessions. We slowly add activities that will promote the correction of improper habits. For example, a worker at the market who usually carries heavy loads of produce – this person may be experiencing pain or strain in his or her back due to improper posture when lifting. Foundation training starts with correcting the proper way of doing things. The proper way of sitting, standing, lifting, walking and so on. In foundation training, we do not just treat or correct the problem. In Foundation Training, we make sure what is treated and corrected is forever treated and corrected. We go back to basics by reevaluating the way we go about doing our activities.

Want to start Foundation Training? Tribeca Physical Therapy is officially reopened for in-person physical therapy sessions and continues to offer Telehealth PT or Virtual PT. Call us at 2124068080 or message us and book your first session free.

The effective of the procedure of combining physical therapy sessions with foundation training has been quite successful in preventing the re-occurrence of the most common problems requiring treatment. With such success, it has been incorporated in various fitness and treatment programs in a different fitness regimen and work out programs. This is the forward-thinking approach to physical therapy. In involving the formulation of corrective habits in the program, physical therapy will be more effective than ever. This is not just helping the patient with their pain and difficulties, but also educating the majority by making them aware that there are some serious problems in our body that we all can avoid by properly caring for our bodies.

So how is foundation training incorporated in physical therapy? Basing it from What to Expect from physical therapy, there are sets of a therapy session that includes the following:

1. Warm-up exercises

To build strength in the problematic muscle or body part, one must properly prepare. Preparation for more strenuous more rigid exercises. This way, no strain, and further damage would be done. Stretching and walking are examples of this type of exercise.

2. Pain relief exercises

People who partake in physical therapy sessions are mostly those with problems that involve pain and difficulty. For one to begin the treatment and correction of the problem, the pain or difficulty should be managed. It may include massages, heat application instruments and the usual pain evaluation before the patient proceeds in the more rigid part of the program.

3. Strengthening exercises

These are exercises that may require machines and other props in the process. Also included would be resistant tools, weights and other paraphernalia that helps work on the core muscles. These are exercises repeated in sets depending on the intensity required by the physical therapist.

We incorporate foundation training in physical therapy by re-assessing the exercises we include in the physical therapy sessions. We slowly add activities that will promote the correction of improper habits. For example, a worker at the market who usually carries heavy loads of produce – this person may be experiencing pain or strain in his or her back due to improper posture when lifting. Foundation training starts with correcting the proper way of doing things. The proper way of sitting, standing, lifting, walking and so on. In foundation training, we do not just treat or correct the problem. In Foundation Training, we make sure what is treated and corrected is forever treated and corrected. We go back to basics by reevaluating the way we go about doing our activities.

Want to start Foundation Training? Tribeca Physical Therapy is officially reopened for in-person physical therapy sessions and continues to offer Telehealth PT or Virtual PT. Call us at 2124068080 or message us and book your first session free.

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