How to Sit Properly when the Back is Hurting?

How to Sit Properly when the Back is Hurting?

July 27, 2022

Back pain is one of the common complaints of adults and those who spend time sitting all day long at work. However, sitting for several hours with back pain is a whole different story. It does not only make you uncomfortable, yet it also hinders you from accomplishing your tasks. To help you boost your productivity and relieve the pain, follow these steps on how to sit properly when the back is hurting.

Sitting up straight and maintaining the normal curve of the spine is the usual advice to ease back pain and correct the posture, but most of us do not know how to really do it. To achieve the upright sitting position, it is important that you provide support to your lower back. It is best to have an adjustable chair with support, but if this is not available, you can consider placing a pillow between your back and chair. When there is existing pain in the back, you can use the pillow to hold an ice pack to help further alleviate the pain.

In supporting your lower back, you must have a properly adjusted chair. Adjusting your chair to a suitable height for you reduces the strain on your back and relieves the feeling of discomfort as well. A good way to check if your height is correct is to see if your elbows are by your body and form an L-shape at your joint. Additionally, you should adjust the height of your chair so that you can type with your wrists and forearms straight.

After you have adjusted the height of your chair, the next thing you would want is your feet resting flat on the ground. By doing so, you can keep your back in a neutral position and relieve your discomfort and back pain. Using a footrest provides additional support to your back. On another note, you must avoid crossing your legs because it lets you sit in a less than optimal position and can contribute to your ongoing sitting discomfort.

When at work, you can control the things around you to help you sit properly. Place your computer at an optimal level and make sure that its accessories are close to you. Making things on your table reachable at an arm’s length will ensure that you are sitting properly without needing to contort your head and neck. Maintaining this setup can help relieve and prevent back pain.

Sitting for a long period definitely produces an aching back which is why it is important to take breaks during the day. Find time to get off your seat to stretch out and relax your muscles. Consider setting or scheduling intermittent sitting during your short breaks and lunch breaks. Take a five-minute walking break or stand up and realign the body before sitting. When standing, gently squeeze the buttocks for ten seconds. Keep the stomach tight and gently roll your shoulders back, and then let your shoulders relax. These movements help to contract and activate muscles that may not get any work while sitting.

The following advice will benefit a majority of people with back pain and make them increase their productivity. These aim to help you alleviate the pain or discomfort due to back pain when sitting. But do not forget that the best advice is still from your trusted physical therapist, especially for a more serious back situation.

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