Mental Health Prioritisation Thru Physical Therapy

Mental Health Prioritisation Thru Physical Therapy

November 1, 2022

Mental health is the state of well-being in which one realizes their potential. This includes coping with normal stress, working productively, and being able to contribute to the community. A healthy body equates to a healthy mind. The medical event that affects your physical health takes a toll on your mental health as well. During this situation, you think about your illness, the treatment or surgery you need to undergo, concerns about family and career, cost, and pain that can lead to stress, depression, and other mental health concerns. The body and mind are interconnected among many networks of communication, so it is essential to give attention to the body as a whole.

It is important to put both the body and mind at ease during the recovery. Doing physical activities vigorously has a positive impact on mental health. In a 2021 study, aerobic and resistance exercises contributed massively to the treatment of patients with depression and anxiety. This is where the key role of the physical therapist comes in. They provide a bridge to connect the physical and mental health of patients by promoting physical activity.

Physical therapy is proven an effective method in addressing mental health concerns and helping you gain the right mindset. Physical therapy encourages you to do physical activities as an approach to treatment. Continuous performing of physical activities increases the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin influences memory, learning, and mood. Lack of enough serotonin plays a role in developing depression, anxiety, and other health condition. Repeated simple physical exercises help boost one’s self-esteem. It can provide the feeling of fulfillment and acceptance of new limitations. Sleep also plays an important role in mental health. Without proper sleep, stress and anxiety increase because the brain does not have enough time to recharge. Doing physical activity can help the body fall asleep faster and deeper.

Physical therapists can reduce the feeling of isolation from someone with medical concerns. Having someone they can talk to and who cares about you and your health is reassuring. They help you set a physical therapy goal that aims to regain your sense of control, which contributes to reducing your anxiety. Physiotherapists in mental health provide health promotion, preventive health care, treatment, and rehabilitation for individuals.

Mind and body should be treated as one. What affects the body, affects the mind. Being aware of the topic of mental health has opened a lot of doors for the improvement of the treatment available to mediate it, such as physical therapy. More studies will emerge to support the positive response of physical therapy in prioritizing mental health as we keep exploring its possibilities.

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