Sex and Sexuality Postpartum

Sex and Sexuality Postpartum

July 24, 2020

Having trouble in sex and sexuality postpartum, Momma? You do not have to feel ashamed because you are not the only one who is having issues in the bedroom department. On a recent study by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), more than half of postpartum women have sexual dysfunction. The sad part of their findings is that those women received no guidance on postpartum sexual function.1 These women would probably suffer in silence, embarrassed to talk about sexual matters or is preoccupied by the newborn. In time, the delay and failure to address this issue may cause long term complications in reproductive health and sexual life. Unfortunately, most women with postpartum sexual dysfunction do not reach pre-pregnancy levels.2

To help in understanding this issue, let us talk about sex and sexuality postpartum.

Female sexual dysfunction to define is impaired or inadequate ability to engage in or enjoy satisfactory sexual intercourse and orgasm.3 In postpartum women, sexual dysfunctions are low sexual desire, painful sex (dyspareunia), impaired or absent arousal and difficulty achieving orgasm (anorgasmia). These female sexual dysfunctions are found to be likely associated with pelvic floor disorders. Any dysfunctions of the pelvic floor muscles, which are the muscles surrounding the female sexual organ, can definitely affect one’s sexual function. Hence, it is very important for women having sexual difficulty, whether postpartum or not, to have a pelvic assessment. Because the good news is, these sexual dysfunctions, more often than not, are treatable.

Being experts on muscles and movement, a physical therapist specializing on pelvic health can offer the following:

  1. A thorough physical assessment of the lower body including the pelvic muscles to check for tightness, weakness or incoordination and pelvic mobility.
  2. Provide an education on pelvic floor dysfunctions and its correlation with female sexual dysfunctions.
  3. Develop and coordinate an individualized exercise program/plan aim to restore strength and mobility and improved sexual functions.

If you need to talk about sex and sexuality postpartum, Tribeca Physical Therapy is officially reopened for in-person physical therapy sessions and continues to offer Telehealth PT or Virtual PT. Call us at 2124068080 or message us and book your first session free.

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