What Are the Signs of a Weak Pelvic Floor?
A weak pelvic floor can be due to many reasons, including pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. But it is possible to take steps to strengthen these muscles with exercise. This can help prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs), as well as other pelvic floor issues like leaking urine and incontinence. While some of these symptoms are more serious, many can be addressed through pelvic floor exercises.
Pain during sex
Dyspareunia (pain during sex) is an issue that affects 10% to 20% of women at some point in their lives, either due to physical issues or psychological ones. It’s wise to speak with your healthcare provider about this problem. They can diagnose the source of your discomfort and suggest an effective treatment plan.
A strong pelvic floor is essential for sexual activity. It supports the urethra and vagina, helping regulate incontinence (leaking pee). Weakness in your pelvic floor muscles can be caused by ageing, pregnancy, menopause or other changes to your body. Your doctor may suggest physical therapy or other treatments to address the problem.
A weak pelvic floor may be caused by certain illnesses and conditions, such as endometriosis. It could also be an adverse reaction to certain medications like antidepressants or high blood pressure medication. Stress and anxiety may also play a role in producing painful intercourse.
Vaginal flatulence
Vaginal flatulence (also referred to as queefing, a fanny fart, vaginal gas or vart) is the release of air trapped inside your vagina. It’s completely normal and common among sexually active women.
Trapped air can be released during various movements such as yoga, exercise, sex, pregnancy or menopause. It could even happen during a pelvic exam when a speculum is inserted into your vagina.
Women often experience vaginal weakness due to the decrease in estrogen during menopause. This results in weakening of the vaginal walls, allowing air to enter inside.
Vaginal flatulence can often cause an embarrassing and smelly queef that sounds like a fart, but in most cases there’s nothing to worry about. This is an entirely harmless issue that can be corrected by addressing its underlying causes. If you’re dealing with frequent or unpleasant vaginal flatulence, be sure to share this symptom with your healthcare provider so they can provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.
Constant urge to pee
One of the more common reasons your pelvic floor muscles can weaken is pregnancy and childbirth. Carrying around an expanding baby puts undue strain on your bladder, leading to weakening of these essential muscles.
If you are dealing with this after giving birth, it is wise to speak with your healthcare provider about treating a weak pelvic floor. They may suggest pelvic floor physical therapy as an effective way for you to regain your strength and feel like yourself again.
Signs of a weak pelvic floor include leaking pee, vagina dryness and increased vulnerability to urinary tract infections (UTIs). If you experience these symptoms it is essential that you seek medical help promptly.
Leaking pee
Leaking pee is one of the common symptoms associated with a weak pelvic floor. This occurs when your muscles in your bladder and urethra deteriorate, leaving them unable to support your pelvic organs as effectively as they should.
You may experience urine leakage when you laugh, cough, sneeze or lift something. This condition is known as stress incontinence and it’s more common among women who have had children; however, it can also occur after surgery or medical procedures like prostate cancer.
If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, or they don’t disappear on their own, it is essential to see your doctor. They usually can diagnose your condition and suggest an effective treatment plan for you. Medications for urinary incontinence are available, while pelvic floor therapy works by strengthening pelvic floor muscles.
If you need more information or want to schedule an appointment, visit our home page or contact us today.