Women’s Health: Postpartum Care

Women’s Health: Postpartum Care

June 16, 2020

My firstborn just walked into the world of toddler-hood a few weeks ago. Oh how time flies! Where did time go? I was nostalgic as I remember how a teeny tiny human being changed our world completely and fill our hearts with so much joy and love everyday. There were warm greetings and well wishes here and there; everyone is curious how the little one is doing, has he taken his first step, is he sleeping through the night, which one did he say first “Mama” or “Dada”? As I answer each of their questions, I found myself asking, “How are you, Momma? How have you been in the year that has passed?”

Most of the time, moms are placed in the shadow of an adorable growing child, her needs are pushed aside either by her personal choice or unwittingly. To answer the question I posted to myself, I want to think that I am not significantly different from other moms out there. I still carry the postpartum belly with skin stretched and wrinkly, I jiggle and wiggle in most places, I would have few drops every now and then when I laugh, sneeze, cough or even get excited and occasionally pass gas without warning, I struggle in the intimacy department due to discomfort, I am in dire need of sleep and overtime developed a bad posture brought by long hours of nursing and carrying the baby. Yeah, I think I fare well. Aren’t these the norm?

Never heard of 4th trimester nor did pay attention to many other things that will come after this. Maybe because, who would have the time and energy to think about it when there’s a cute little creature needing a diaper change, hungry or just begging for attention. But just like any other issues in life, the longer we take time to deal with it, the harder and longer it would take to solve. Fortunately, the attitude toward postpartum care is changing. In 2018, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is moving toward optimizing postpartum care by having a healthy pregnancy, baby and mother as the end goal. Postpartum care is now an on-going process instead of a single encounter. Individualization of care is also being promoted. A follow up postpartum check-up at third week is recommended and a postpartum care plan is encouraged.

Self-care is not selfish, not at all, Momma.

There is no better time to address all the postpartum issues than now.

1. Awareness is the key. Ask yourself, “What has changed physically in me after I give birth?” Pregnancy is a state of health as they say. It is not an illness. The changes brought about it should not cause limitations in our daily activities nor incapacitates in any way.

2. Educate yourself. Information is available on the tip of our fingers but an expert opinion is still the right way to go about this matter. A physical therapist being an expert in body movement can provide a thorough education for better understanding on the changes in the mechanics of the pelvic and abdominal region.

3. Take action now. A physical therapist can conduct a thorough pelvic and abdominal assessment, design an individualized treatment program aimed at fitness and restoration of movement and even assist in postpartum care plan. Tribeca Physical Therapy is officially reopened for in-person physical therapy sessions and continues to offer Telehealth PT or Virtual PT. Call us at 2124068080 or message us and book your first session free.

New mom’s emotion is on overdrive but please… let go of the “mom’s guilt”. Caring for yourself is an act of love and an expression of inner strength because you recognize your limitations and your need for help and you decide to act on it so you can best care for your beau and especially your little one.

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